lördag 23 maj 2009

Till föraren:

Ifall gräset växer högt...

fredag 15 maj 2009

Till Isak:


lördag 2 maj 2009


No one was prepared for their arrival.

No one expected this.


Route Code: EXLTD > XCV - SCRB > ALLCH
Source: Undetermined

You brought nothing to this world,
and we will ensure you bring nothing out.

I have walked the edge of the Abyss.
I have governed the unwilling.
I have witnessed countless empires break before me.
I have seen the most courageous soldiers fall away in fear.
[I was there with the Angel at the tomb]

I have seen your future.
And I have learned.

There will be no more Sadness. No more Anger. No more Envy.


Oh, and your poet Eliot had it all wrong:
THIS is the way the world ends.